Today in blogdom, we are going to talk about A1 generated art. Is it possible to have a piece of artwork which is generated by artificial intelligence? I find the topic of digital medium art fascinating. So, we are going to talk briefly about it today.
Up until October, 2023, the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art had on display in its lobby a huge 24 x 24 foot digital screen with a constantly changing screen. Apparently, the screen was sensitive to changes in light, movement, sounds, and even the outside weather. This piece generated a lot of interest from the museum visitors.
However, not everyone is comfortable with A1 generated art. Interaction with artificial intelligence art is still a new art form. Owing and acquiring digital art is often complicated.
Apparently, it has taken the art market a long time to validate digital art. Traditional investors want something tangible like a painting or sculpture.

A1 Generated – A New Tool For Artists?
Not only are digital artists on the horizon but artistic film makers are, also, using A1 generated methods.
Recently a chase scene from a movie was taken apart by digitalizing each shot and using algorithmic software to create a random sequence of events. Some of the film was speeded up or slowed down, shots reversed but all in a random sequence. This type of art is presently know an Algorithmic Cinema.
I, personally, have never seen a movie using algorithmic cinema but think it would be interesting to view.
Ending Notes on A1 Generated Art
Does A1 do it better than humans? Will A1 generated art stand the test of time? These are all new questions we need to ask ourselves in this ever changing world of digital art.
Of course, it is impossible for me to give a photograph of digital art on my blog, so I’ve used previously used photographs.
Resource Site: “Is A1-generarted Art Museum Worthy?”, Beyond Wealth Worth Magazine, Edition 4, 2023.