I’ve bet you are all wondering what a day is like in Farmhouse Magic Blogdom?
So, I want to post my daily schedule and you can compare it to your day.
Morning Schedule
3:30 to 5:30 a.m. – Yes, I really get up at this time. I like to blog when it is quiet and no one is up. Blogging can take hours everyday.
I also do volunteer work on a second nonprofit blog.
6 a.m. – Finish drying the bedspreads in the dryer. It is still cool outside and I can run the dryer without heating up the house.
7 a.m. – Have breakfast. I generally like bran cereal with bananas, or eggs and toast.
8 a.m. – Check emails, read and water plants if needed. If there has been no rain, watering the plants takes up quite a bit of time.
9 a.m. – Fold towels and other clothing. Wash dishes, unload/reload dishwasher and put pans away. Clean bathrooms, take out recycling items, and empty trash cans.
10 a.m. – Shower and get dressed for the day. Yes, I put on those leopard tights I like to wear.
10:30 to 10:40 – Comb and fix hair, apply sunscreen and make up. Streamlined only ten minutes gals! I got a good haircut this week so my hair falls in place quickly.
11 a.m. – Shop at Amazon Fresh grocery store. I like the innovative checkout system where you shop and put all your items in the paper bags and then insert your credit card on the way out the door. There is no putting items on the checkout counter. Quick, easy and a fun shopping experience.
Afternoon Schedule
1 p.m. – Lunch at my favorite BBQ place. Had a North Carolina Pulled Pork BBQ sandwich with a side order of potatoes salad and baked beans. Yes, it is as good as it looks.

2 p.m. – Put groceries away and pick up mail. Send text messages out and respond to to emails.
3 p.m. – Rest, relax, and watch movies.
5 p.m. – Make home cooked dinner.
6 p.m. – Wash pots and pans. Clean up kitchen. Have ice cream or other treat for dessert.
7 p.m. – Clean up spare bedroom and get ready for company.
Ending Notes on Farmhouse Magic Blogdom
My life is pretty normal even if my blog is Pure Excitement.
Thanks for reading my blog and enjoy the rest of your weekend.