Quarter Horse Show

Quarter Horse Show

Last weekend I volunteered at the Quarter Horse Show. My volunteer station was at the ribbons and class circuit awards tables. This show was giving out class circuit awards, but I don’t think all horse shows do that.

Class Circuit Awards

So, at this Quarter Horse Show, I was first shown the class circuit awards tables. Let’s see, if I remember correctly, you could get a cup, horse treats, horse shampoo, vet bill voucher, hay feeder, stable fan, colorful horse wraps, portable chairs, Yetti mugs, reins, etc. If you received two class circuit awards, you could trade up for one of the nicer prizes.

It was easy to give out the class circuit awards since you checked to see if their name was on a couple of lists. Some people came over to the table, just to see if they won anything. One lady who stopped by, had no idea she had won. But, actually, she won two awards, so she was moved up to the larger prizes. She took one of the Yetti mugs.

Quarter Horse Show – Winning a Show Ribbon Award?

In order to see if you won a first, second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth place ribbon, the points were added up in the competitions one participated in. This was a little more complicated. There was a special table set up, so people could add up their scores or someone would help them. Depending on the score, you got a very nice award ribbon.

Some of the equestrian categories were trail, pleasure, Western, working equitation, ranch, trail, etc.

The participants also wrote up their name and the number of awards they took. I collected this slip in a special box.

I remember two ladies who were picking up ribbons for their group. They had won so many ribbons, they were both given boxes to carry their ribbons in. Yes, I’m thinking, they had quite a day at the quarter horse show. I had to restock the ribbons at that point.

A couple of people went into the office for the top awards. I did not see their names on the list. As it turns out, there was a list accidently hidden under a box, so they were both given a multicolored ribbon.

Unfortunately some of the ribbons had small specks of rust on them so they were pulled from the awards table. I was told with improper storage, the cold weather had caused the rust spots on the ribbons. The rusted ribbons were not appropriate to give out. They were placed in a special area.

Quarter Horse Show
Maple Tree Leaves, Backyard, photo 9-14-2024

Ending Notes on the Quarter Horse Show

As always, I enjoyed my afternoon of volunteering.

In ending today’s blog, I pretty much worked the tables alone as the show ladies had other duties to perform. One was training the new announcer since we had a busy program to keep going. The other one was touring the barns, working in the show office, etc.

So, I’ll see you next year at the Quarter Horse show.

Note to Readers: The maple leaf photograph was taken in my backyard. No photos from the Quarter Horse Show are used on this website.

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