While picking up a Bavarian Fruit Cake at the Amphora Bakery, FMB also noticed all the cute Halloween bakery treats. The Amphora Bakery is a European-style bakery making cakes, pies, cookies and other bakery goods for all occasions.
I love looking at all the items in their display cases, but their Halloween goodies are spectacular or should I say “spooktacular”.
Halloween Cake for First Birthday and Other Halloween Bakery Treats
The orange and light green pumpkin cake has a large number one on its side, so it is probably for a child’s first birthday or Halloween.

Halloween Theme Orange and Black Cookies
This cookie display uses orange and black sprinkle covered trays.

Everything in the bakery looks tasty and the chocolate smell is heavenly.
The below photograph is a up-close view of an orange pumpkin and black cat cookie. The cat’s eyes are yellow icing and the body is black sprinkles.

Their baked goods are incredibly detailed.
Haunted House Cake
Their Halloween bakery treats don’t end with the cookies, because below is a scary house cake with an eerie black tree on the cake’s side. The orange cake is also comes with sprinkles.

Their cakes are much taller than cakes from the grocery store.
Each cake looks beautiful in it’s own way.
There is a huge variety of fall and Halloween cookies on their cookie trays.
The below photograph shows cookies shaped as pumpkins, candy corn, leaves, spider webs, ghosts, etc.

Halloween Bakery Treats & Spooky Cupcakes

This monster cookie looks delicious and perhaps just a little scary.
Happy Halloween!
All the above Halloween bakery treats on this page are available for sale at the Amphora Bakery at Sunset Park Drive in Herndon. A Big Thank you to the Amphora Bakery for allowing me to take photographs and blog about their store.
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O. N.,
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