Wow, it is that time again for Washington DC’s 48 Hour Film Festival 2024. Yesterday, Farmhouse Magic Blog attended the viewing of films from the Group B teams. In fact, Washington, DC has quite a few groups so they were broken down into four groups–the A, B, C or D teams. Each individual team’s film is seen on a big screen in a real movie theater. In this case, the AFI Silver Theater in Silver Springs, Maryland.
What is the 48 Hour Film Festival 2024?
Believe it or not, the 48 Hour Film Festival begins and ends with a movie being made and completed in only 48-hours. All submitted films are produced during the weekend of May 3-5, 2024. Think of what a wild and crazy weekend that is!
To make sure no one starts early, all the films in the contest need to use a certain prop, line, and character. At the Washington, DC’s showing, all the movies need to include the charter of Marshall or Margarite Wilkins who is an airline employee. Then the use the line, “I am not mad. I am just disappointed.” Lastly, a lock is used for a prop.
I love watching all these films to see how each team incorporated these required elements into their script. If an element is left out, that movie will not be considered in the running for the best movie.
Also team leaders randomly select the type of movie they are making, such as, drama, romance, dark comedy, etc.

Each movie is only seven minutes long, so the directors have to make their point before the time runs.
At the end of the show, all the group directors go to the front of the theater where they answer questions about the filming of their movie.
Anything can happen during filming a movie from bad weather, long edits, not enough actors, etc.
Ending Notes
For now, the groups are anxious awaiting the showing of all the films. Then the top films will be shown in another group.
Lastly, a winning film is selected for Washington’s DC 48 Hour Film Festival 2024. I’m, personally, cheering for the movie made by the BloodLines team. Go team!
Good Luck to all the 2024 Washington DC teams and may the best movie win!
Update 6-3-2024: Unfortunately, Bloodlines’ film, “Hijacker Hijinks,” did not make it to the final cut. Better luck next year!